Toast & Roast

18: What’s in a name?

Episode Summary

The age old trials of communicating our names to people. Geoff with a G, Georgie with an i-e. What do our names mean, where did they come from, and how.

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The age old trials of communicating our names to people. Geoff with a G, Georgie with an i-e. What do our names mean, where did they come from, and how.

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Episode Transcription

Geoff 0:01
And welcome back to another episode of Toast & Roast. I am your co host as always Geoff-a-rooney and I here I have George-a-rooney. How’s it going George-a-rooney. I was I was doing a test account for my side project. And I named it Test-a-rooney

Georgie 0:21
Test-a-rooney. You know what I use for test accounts? I use the names of, well, I used to use the names of like, people in bands, but in bands that are like, local and not so well known, and like not, you know, not like Jimi Hendrix, whatever, right? And it was funny because I did this at one of my first jobs, and my boss was like, oh, Pete, Kilroy that sounds like a like a real person. I’m like, it is a real person.

Geoff 0:59
I heard somewhere um, I remember when Game of Thrones was this big thing. I just made all of my test account names, Game of Thrones people and put in screenshots and stuff like that. But I could never figure out how to spell like Tyrion. Oh, Tyrio’s easy, like, what's her name? The mother. Anyways.

Georgie 1:23
I don't know. I don't watch Game of Thrones.

Geoff 1:25
Oh yeah, that's true. I'm like Daenerys. Like I didn't know how to spell it. Daenerys Targaryen. Like so like, that would be maybe one of the popular characters that week. And I’ll be like oh, yeah. I’ll make it Daene–I don't know how to spell this. Next one.

Georgie 1:43
You can just look it up.

Geoff 1:45
It's true. But you know, you're in the moment and all you're doing is trying to find out quirky names. You’re trying to put quirky names on the on the test accounts, but quickly type it out. So meh, I mean,

Georgie 1:59
I think I thought of a believable one recently when I was trying to make an actual name. And I got stuck and I can't think of one so I just thought I thought of a pretty good one. I was pretty like chuffed with myself. And I named this test account Annika Primwell.

Geoff 2:15
Ah, hilarious. One of our team, one of the people on my team, his name is Akina. But in like a town hall, no joke, like this is like huge showcase loads of people. The I think it's the CTO or whatever. Well, the or the chief product officer. But anyways, one of the co founders called her Annika, and he got corrected in like the chat of the meeting. But he only read it like further down later he goes, “oh, I'm sorry for saying your name wrong, Anika“ and the chat just like it's Akina. It's Akina. It means like he says he says it wrong like three times and then he apologises in Slack. And he literally spells it, Annika as well. He's like literally cannot get Akina. So that's Akina’s new, like team name is Annika or we call it like evil twin. Annika it's a, yeah. Became an in-joke of the team.

Georgie 3:21
A doppelganger?

Geoff 3:22
Yeah, the doppelganger. But, um, have you done like usernames for video games or like online games or anything?

Georgie 3:32
Hmm. I feel like that's a question trying to get me to tell you my first email address. Or like the embarrassing ones, yeah.

Geoff 3:43
It's so funny. I forgot the birth year of one of my friends. And I messaged them, I'm like, what was your birth year again? And they're just like, 1800s? Are you going to ask my mother's maiden name next? It totally didn't, it totally didn't come across to me that I was asking for like, like privacy or

Georgie 4:06
Security questions. So an interesting thing about that is recently we had to do some security training. And one of the questions was, which one of these security questions is the most secure? And they were about four options. There was multiple choice. The first one was What's your mother's maiden name? Yeah. The second one was, What is your father's middle name? The third one was something like what high school did you go to? What was the name of the high school you went to? And the fourth one was, what did you want to be when you were–when you were a kid what did you want to be when you when you grew up when you grew up?

Geoff 4:49

Georgie 4:50
What do you, what would you answer as the most secure?

Geoff 4:55
I feel like answering this would tell everybody what security question I pick. Nah, it's fine. I'm it's like, I think the most secure one is mother's maiden name. I wouldn't tell anybody my mother's maiden name in general conversation, but I feel like everything else is like general conversation type stuff. So, yeah, I think most of my security questions are my mother's maiden name. But obviously, I don't tell anybody my mother's maiden name. So it's okay to keep the question. Which on–

Georgie 5:29
Oh, yeah, I, well, I answered the question twice, incorrectly. Before I went back, I was like, I'm going to try this question again. Right. I want to know what that actual answer is. So the first time I actually picked my dad's middle name, because I don't tell people my middle name. And then I picked I think it was, I might have picked the mother's maiden name. And that's actually incorrect. The one that's most secure is what do you want to be when you, what did you want to be when you grew up? And I had a conversation with my boss about this? And I think that this question doesn't take into account cultural differences, and is probably heavily emphasised, like has an emphasis on the Western culture, because I don't talk to – I don’t tell anyone on mother's maiden name. Not to mention, it's just like extremely long and hard to spell. When I asked Nick about this, Nick said it could be easily searchable. And I was like, Yeah, but I'm on Ancestry or anything, because I'm not fucking White. And the thing about the last option, which was you know, what did you want to be when you grew up? Like you said, that comes up in a lot of conversations for me, and there are a lot of things I did want to be when I was young, and anyone – if that was my security question. People would be like, like spamming the field, trying to, like list everything that I've ever talked about. Not to mention, it is publicly on my blog somewhere. That I did want to be like a geologist. I wanted to be a dentist. I wanted to be whatever.

Geoff 7:13
Yeah, exactly.

Georgie 7:14
I, in my opinion, like my mother's maiden name is no one would ever find that anywhere. And, you know, pry that out of my cold, dead hands type thing, or go and stalk my mum.

Geoff 7:27
Yeah, exactly. I mean, like we talk about. But our yeah, what we wanted to be all the time. I think it's also partially because of, you know, our job is not on the normal list of jobs to have, well, maybe circa 20 years ago, right? Kids are like, like, hoping to become a front end developer 20 years ago. I think when it comes to our job, and we meet people that are in our job, one of the first questions I ask is, oh, like, what were you before? What did you want to be before? Like, this was actually a job? And people had random answers. You know, like you said, like a geologist. Did you say a geologist? Oh, yeah, you like rocks.

Georgie 8:23
Yeah exactly.

Geoff 8:23
I used to want to be like an architect or, or, and stuff like that. And, of course, I kind of like fell into this job instead. So I think, yeah, our line of work may play into the fact that we talk a lot about what we wanted to be before front end development with even like a job. But yeah, I get the cultural thing where it's sort of like the father's middle name, and the mum's maiden name may come up a lot more frequently in in Western society conversations, but yeah, we don't we don't go around telling people our mum's maiden name in general convo.

Georgie 9:04
Yeah, I also think that I think the history of a lot of countries in Asia also has resulted in a lot of name changes, or the way that names are written and just there’s no such thing as a middle name, for example. Like, for my family, my parents and my ancestors originally had Chinese names, but under certain government in Indonesia, they had to they were forced to change their names to more Indonesian sounding names. And so you know, what they consider their actual names is just probably different from just in Western culture? What's your name? What's your last name? What's this name and so on.

Geoff 9:47
I know in the Philippines actually, now that we’re talking about it that all everyone's names, I'm pretty sure most people's names, last names, even our an, are like a hyphenated amalgamation have of their father's mid–like last name and their mother's maiden name. And like, like some other names. So I think it's, what’s it, the Filipino last name... because it follows this pattern from the Spanish. Yeah, from Spain? Where? Yeah, I think it's I think it's like, yeah, combination of a lot of different names. Is it the Philippines? Anyway some some Asian culture has this... Filipino long last names. Any case, I can't find it now, but I'll link I'll link it in the in the show notes. But yeah, there's a lot of people who have yeah, their, basically their ancestries, last names put together as their last name. Which is pretty crazy. Because that means asking your mother's maiden name is no longer a thing. Just look at your actual name on your driver's license. And hey, presto,

Georgie 11:09

Geoff 11:11
But yeah, back to, like, choosing usernames, were you were you the type to like, want to have no numbers and shit like that?

Georgie 11:21
Well, my first email address, I really didn't want numbers out and I wanted something do with my name. So it was actually like my full name underscore an abbreviation of one of my adopted middle names, because I just didn't want to put my last name in there either. I also don't really want to say it out loud.

Geoff 11:40
It's okay.

Georgie 11:42
Yeah. So that was my first email address.

Geoff 11:45
I remember when it was really cool to just come up with alias names for our emails. And then somehow it turned into, oh, it's way better to have your actual name in your email.

Georgie 11:56

Geoff 11:57
Or your actual name as and then adding your email on the beginning of it like we do now? I don't know. I was pretty obsessed with anonymity. Prior to I think, I just, I mean, something along the like, maybe in the 20 when I turned maybe 21, 22. Like after that when I post 20s. Not post 20s. In my 20s. Early 20s. Yeah, I think it's because I dabbled a lot in like online forums and online like games and stuff like that. It was a lot cooler to have. Like fancy sounding, yes. Some kind of fancy sounding alias. And it wasn't a good idea to actually put your name out there, lest someone finds you. For, I have no idea why it mattered to be honest, now that you think about it, if someone found me, but yeah, but then it became cool to be like, I just want to find Geoff. Like, can I sign up to these sites with Geoff? It's normally taken.

Georgie 13:10
Yeah. So I think I was actually the opposite. When I in my early 20s. I – and earlier – before I started using the internet when I was really like a teenager. I put like my full name out there before I realised, like the potential for it to not be very safe as an adult now and because I've like done talks in the community in that kind of thing. I feel like I have a bit of a presence online. So it doesn't matter if people know me anyways. But yeah, back then, I, I didn't have any, any aliases. But then I thought oh, no, it's cool. Like if you are so on, so like, oh, actually, I have a really embarrassing one. Which I guess I don't mind sharing. On LastFm my username was jazzmoodles. Yeah, I'll explain where that came from in a sec. But when I had that, I was like, I would be it would be cool if I was a jazzmoodles everywhere. Yeah. And I could just be like, yeah, follow me on all of these platforms. My name is so and so. And I know that some people have that on Twitter as well. And like these days, they have some kind of cool sounding thing, where every site they go on it's that name is not registered because it's just them. That's how they identify. So um, jazzmoodles came from, I was really into jazz music and emo music when I was in school in high school. And people started calling me jazzmo as like portmanteau of jazz and emo. And to make it sound kind of totally nerdy and weird. I just went jazzmoodles

Geoff 14:56
Yeah, I mean, it makes a little bit rolls off the tongue better.

Georgie 15:04

Geoff 15:05
My current user name is actually a combination of my initials plus my last name. And it seems like it was. It's not taken anywhere. So it's been become my like, username, so that I can be consistent. Whether or not that's a good thing that someone can literally type in this username and find every fucking account I've ever had, it's debatable as to whether or not that's good. But my SEO is amazing. So.

Georgie 15:51
Good for you, buddy.

Geoff 15:52
Yeah, I didn't know what it became like, I don't think it's too bad to put your full name. Yeah, you write my full name. I am number one on my list. On my list, I'm number one, but maybe not on everybody's list.

Georgie 16:09
But yeah, everyone uses Google as a search engine.

Geoff 16:11
Really? What do you use huh huh huh?

Georgie 16:14
I use DuckDuckGo or Ecosia. I hate Google.

Geoff 16:19
You like planting trees?

Georgie 16:21
I love planting trees.

Geoff 16:23
You love planting trees. My competition is a doctor. So I feel like it's really it's a good day when I when I go above the doctor's name.

Georgie 16:37
Hey, I told you that story about someone wanting to buy my domain name.

Geoff 16:41
Oh, no, really?

Georgie 16:43
No. Okay, so if you if you do look up, Georgie Cooke, there are a couple of I think there's someone who is a therapist or some doctor, practitioner of some sort in Australia. So obviously, Georgie Cooke is like, Cooke is my married name. But I registered the domain shortly before I got married. And I didn't really do anything. Yeah I didn't really do anything with that site for for a while I didn't have a solid plan for I was just like, it's cool. I'll take it. And it's just sat there doing nothing. And somebody from like a web design web development agency contacted me asking if they could buy it. And I basically said no. Thanks. But no, because it's my name. It's not like it's not like something that I would just be happy to get some money for. Right? And even though it only cost me you know when to register a new domain any constitute 10 to 20 dollars max with dot com. And I said, Yeah, I said no. And he made an offer of man, I don't even know, it might have been like –

Geoff 18:09
One million dollars?

Georgie 18:11
No. So it might have only been like, $100 or a couple 100. Actually, I don't even think it was I think he might have been the first offer was $100 max. And I asked my friend at work. You know, like how much would you accept for this? I was thinking like, you know, if if, you know, push comes to shove, like how much money would I accept for someone to give someone, when it's my goddamn name. I was like, Yeah, I don't know. A million bucks. Yeah, that'd be cool. But that's not gonna happen. Right? And I was like, You know what, 10,000? Maybe, but still, I don't I don't know. Right. Like, at this point, I think money is was no object. And then I just said, so I said, I declined the offer. And then he came back and he took I guess he talked to the client actually, I think they might have actually phoned me somehow or found my oh, maybe they found my phone number from the who the thing or whatever. Anyway, I think I made another offer. Yeah. Which I now do, but what actually I think I do, I should do doesn't matter though, don’t go digging that’s besides the point of this conversation. He’s come back with another offer, which was like 250 or something. And that's what I'm thinking like, dude, you're gonna have to give me a hell of a lot of money for me to actually even consider. Right? It's my name. And I even said that I replied to the email because at this point when emailing and didn't get done, it wasn't, we weren't like talking the phone anymore. And I just said, nah, like, It's my name. Like, I know I'm not using at the moment, but I have plans for this, whatever. And while this was happening, I went and looked because I had the guy’s details. I went and looked at their company's site, and – don't want to hate on them. Don't want to hate on them. But they didn't look like a very reputable web development design agency. And I just did some searching on the internet. And I found their test or deployment site for this Georgie Cooke that I presume they wanted the domain for, and had a bit of a giggle internally about how the site didn't look that great. And I just thought was funny that I could actually find their test deployment site indexed on my, my, I might have looked at Google that time, but it was indexed on a search engine, like what would you do that? Oh, it was quite funny.

Geoff 20:52
Is it this holistic counselor and psychotherapist?

Georgie 20:55
Yes, it is. Like, I don't want to dive into that in case somebody listens to this podcast. And like, no, I'm not throwing shade at anybody. I'm just telling the story. So the guy comes back to me, and maybe –

Geoff 21:08
People are just gonna Google it. Seems like it was pretty easy.

Georgie 21:11
Oh, they will. But it's okay. But I mean, my purpose here is is just to tell the story. So the guy comes back to me with like, a final offer. And it's like, okay, do you want to guess what the final offer was?

Geoff 21:27

Georgie 21:30
Nope. Just a bit higher.

Geoff 21:32

Georgie 21:35
No, no, it was it was like 750 or something like that. So I was like, man, you don't even want to give me $1,000. I just said sorry, no. And then, you know, eventually, I did put like, my details on And now actually has a slide on there. And I'm freaking using it.

Geoff 21:55
Is this the same as your, Hey Georgie? No, it's different.

Georgie 21:59
No, Hey Georgie is my blog. But –

Geoff 22:01
Oh there we go.

Georgie 22:02

Geoff 22:05
Yeah, while you were talking about

Georgie 22:09
You were just looking up shit trying trying to distract me. Haha. Nah go on.

Geoff 22:12
I was like, oh, yeah. What is your maiden name? See, no one fucking talks about their maiden names.

Georgie 22:20
But people would know mine if they know me, because, like, they would have known it.

Geoff 22:25
Yeah. Used to be Luhur Cooke. Right.

Georgie 22:29
Yeah, I wrote that. And then I was like, ah, it's fine. You know why?

Geoff 22:34

Georgie 22:34
Do you know why I went Luhur Cooke first?

Geoff 22:38

Georgie 22:41
You're literally doing it right now.

Geoff 22:44
Because people can Google you? Images you?

Georgie 22:47
Yeah, cuz the fuck because the fucking SEO like, I gave too much of a shit about SEO. So I was like, I will. I will have both my names there. So that people who know my maiden name can like, can like find me still. Yeah. And then after that, I was like, you know what, like, Why? Why do I even care about being findable who cares about fame? That kind of.

Geoff 23:09
Dude. But you got like Georgie, Georgie Cooke is number one. Yeah, and I guess –

Georgie 23:17
Well that's not me.

Geoff 23:19
Oh, right. It's not you next one is. Dot com. Man, dot com dot au came in.

Georgie 23:24
But but now you’re using Duck Duck Go, before you were using Google?

Geoff 23:27
Yeah, I switched over. But right. Hey, look, this is a photo that I took for your MentorCruise.

Georgie 23:35
Totally is. Yeah.

Geoff 23:37
I see. Yeah. So you ditched you ditched aliases way early? Like you didn’t even, like after the jazzmoodles?

Georgie 23:45
I guess I didn't really have I just didn't really have them.

Geoff 23:48
Yeah, yeah, right. I spent a lot of time in like, yeah, MMORPGs. And stuff like that. So it's, it's more commonplace to come up with a nickname. Oh, you know, how like, like people who are, like immigrated over from other countries like China and how they have like, a non English name. But they come into the picture –

Georgie 24:16
And then they, yeah

Geoff 24:17
They pick an English name. I never really thought about it, but I set it at one point of my odds. It's pretty, it's pretty confusing if you just change your name every other day, every every other year if you like feel like it, but it's also kind of cool that they just go I don't really like this name anymore. And actually, I was I was like, considering a different name. And I was like, that's kind of strange, but cool. And it's not something I think of because I have an English name, I guess. But we can also just change our name anytime we want. So just call me x. And then like, the company can change your name internally and people will just refer to you as x. Like, yeah, I just never really thought about it.

Georgie 25:09
Well, I think okay, so from what you just said, there, there's two things that I'm thinking the first one is about how you're thinking positively about people who immigrate here. I actually think of it more of a not really negative but not as positive. I feel like people who come to a Western country might feel like a need to change their name to one that is more Western sounding just so people can pronounce it. For example, so they can spell it.

Geoff 25:35
Oh yeah, end the struggle. ProZD, I think is the guy with thinking about he made this that short video about people pronouncing his name will link it anyways. Yeah, it's pretty negative.

Georgie 25:50
Yeah, I knew someone in high school whose name had a lot of vowels. And it was basically the like “Thuwaarahan” and there was a, it was spelled like, it was difficult for people to spell. And he was always like, just call me Waren. And then, at the end of high school, he actually legally changed his name to Waren with one r.

Geoff 26:09
Oh, my God.

Georgie 26:11
I just thought it was kind of cool at the time. But yeah, I can imagine that spelling of people like pronouncing it would have been like, a pain for him to explain.

Geoff 26:21

Georgie 26:22
But yeah, when you said we could just change our names. I mean, I think I think some people know what my full name is. It's not actually Georgie. But when I decided to stop being called by I think it's I think it's obvious when people don't realise that my full name is not Georgie. They're like, oh, is it Georgina because it's like, it's pretty similar, right?

Geoff 26:46

Georgie 26:46
I'm like yeah it is. So there was actually a point in time when I didn't want to be called that anymore. Which is funny because I as a kid hated the name Georgie because kids in school be like, Georgie Porgie pudding and pie.

Geoff 26:58

Georgie 26:59
Kissed the girls made them cry. And then they thought I had a boy's name. And then now I talk to people and they're like, it sounds more like a girl’s name than a boy’s name to me but whatever. And yet, there was a day I hadn't really a day I guess I could remember specific time where I was like, I'm gonna I'm gonna be called Georgie. I will introduce myself as Georgie from now on, like online and in person. Literally the next day, I, I was doing some kind of like one of those, you volunteered to do like a survey or some kind of thing, and then they pay you money that you need or whatever was going there with a friend who the day before I'd literally said, I'm gonna go by Georgie, like the big announcement. And then he introduced me to a couple of his friends who happened to be there. I introduced myself as Georgina and I was like oh, I mean no my name is Georgie, it's funny. I just thought it was quite funny.

Geoff 27:49
Yeah, I think I like going by Geoff. In a casual sense, I think this is pretty much what I was brought up with. But like, my parents always call me Geoffrey. Because they're like, this is this is your name. Like this is the name we gave you. So I'm like, a little hesitant to like just get get be rid of the name Geoffrey. Even though I introduced myself as Geoff all the time. I think on like official stuff, I always put Geoffrey. Aesthetically, Geoff Chong doesn't look good. I detest the two very short syllable sounding things together.

Georgie 28:40
Oh shit.

Geoff 28:40
Geoff Chong like it's just maybe at some point someone used it as a like in like more of a mockery way and that's why I got like a negative impression of the combination of Geoff Chong. Even writing it down, looks terrible. Sounds terrible. So I kind of like Geoffrey Chong as like a full name and Geoff by itself being cool. So unless I become someone like Beyonce when no one like freakin says her last name ever, then I can't just put Geoff and they’re like, “Geoff what?” “No, I'm just Geoff, okay”.

Georgie 29:20
Geoff. Geoff with like, Geoff with a rando accent on like the e.

Geoff 29:24
Oh, Joff. My name Joff. Joffe.

Georgie 29:40
Maybe you should be Geoffrey with like two e’s.

Geoff 29:49
Geoffree! I hadn't if I didn't have enough problems with like booking stuff already. Um like, the coffee name is Jeff with a j so it's not too bad. My hotpot name, my hotpot name is Jack. It seems it seems every time I call up a place to make a booking. They'll put it under Jack. I went to the hairdressers, and they put they I was I was like, I need to cancel my booking tomorrow. And they were like, I don't see a Jeff yet. I'm like, there’s a Jack, just cancel Jack? It's probably me.

Georgie 30:36
Are you sure? Are you sure it was?

Geoff 30:38
No idea. I mean, it was the 11 o'clock slot. I'm sure it was. I'm pretty sure was me. Okay, hopefully, otherwise poor Jack.

Georgie 30:48
Yeah, I've gotten I've gotten Georgia, which is annoying, because I don't, I don't really love that name.

Geoff 30:55
Yeah, yeah.

Georgie 30:57
George is yeah. All right. Like, it's a bit whatevs, but it’s close enough? It's still like, George like how I don't know how hard Georgie is that it's, it's funny. Sometimes I get asked to spell it depending on where I’m ordering a thing.

Geoff 31:14
One time, barista said I think it was a barista. They were like Jeff with a J or with a G. I'm like, oh you are, you the MVP. You that you're the like customer service MVP of all time. It's J. Nah.

Georgie 31:32
Have you have you seen that meme where someone ordered a coffee? And they told the barista “Mark with a C”. And they wrote C-A-R-K.

Geoff 31:46
Oh shit. Cark.

Georgie 31:50
Yeah, yeah. I mean, it's so I think someone was must have posted it on Reddit ages ago, but it keeps coming up in conversations at work. And I find it so funny. So the reason I find that particular thing funny is because there are different spellings for name right? It’s like Jeff with a J, Geoff with a G. And it's like, when people have to say something like that. So like Nick's name is Nicholas. And there are some people say either, like Nicholas without the h, right? But his is with h.

Geoff 32:17

Georgie 32:18
And then there's like Crystal with a K, Crystal with a C. Like when, when a person has to say, some name, with a blah, or without a blah. I feel like, and, I don't know if anyone has ever thought about this, but I feel like that means one version of the name is more common and more like understood or whatever. And I almost feel bad for the person who has to go “name with a blah”, or “name without a blah”, because it means that the way they spelled it, or I mean, sorry, the way that their name is spelled is like the nonconventional and they're going to have to say it every time for like the rest of their lives.

Geoff 32:59
I mean...

Georgie 33:00
And it's like, what determines that? What determines that? I don't know. I don't know if Jeff with a G or J is like more common, but it's like, what does that mean? If someone with like Marc with a C always has to say because everyone knows Mark with a K? I don't know. It's interesting.

Geoff 33:15
Yeah. I mean, like, people don't think a lot when they name children clearly. Like, like, if they go like, sometimes they just want to be like different about it. They just want to be different about it like Mark with a K versus Marc with a C. Like, they probably knew it was Mark with a K but they were like, no, we want our child to be unique. And that's where the problem lies. You want your child to be unique, so you just give them random ass different spellings for the different...

Georgie 33:50
Have you seen, do you know vlogbrothers?

Geoff 33:53
Yeah, vlogbrothers.

Georgie 33:55
Yeah, do you remember Hank’s video, Hank Green's video on what not to name your baby? It was it's from ages ago years and years ago but he says thing, he gives examples like Michael, m-y-k-u-l, then he's like Katherine, q-u-a-t-h-r-y-n. I mean, Catherine can be as many different ways as it is then you start spelling it oddly like with a Q or whatever. And then he said don't name your baby something like satchel. I mean there are, there are some strange, I mean you know, no offense. There are some strange choices made by parents that we've seen like in public and so on, but one that I actually came across on Reddit written by the girl herself, who had the name that her parents chose to spell a certain way. She was she absolutely, abhorred her name like, she, she's, her name was Crystal, and it was spelled q-u-r...

Geoff 34:59

Georgie 35:01
Apostrophe s-t-y, double L, E. And she was like, I cannot stand, people look at my name, and they don't know how to pronounce it and like it's just Crystal, and she said, it makes it a pain to fill in forms. And she's like, well, I just want to rename myself to Crystal, but then I also just hate it and I want to be something else.

Geoff 35:21
It's that that like, basically looks like Klingon if you've ever seen like, Klingon words. With that with apostrophes in between. It, it feels like you have to like pause or do like a, like a like, uh huh, what do you call it? Like a, there's a there's a click of some sort in the back of your throat that you do. And...

Georgie 35:47
Oh, yeah.

Geoff 35:47
So if you have like, see Klingon, they have like, a bunch of dots and shit. And it almost sounds like you should pronounce it. What’s it, was it q, u, what’s it, q, u...

Georgie 36:00
Q, u, r, aspotrophe, s, t, y, double L, e.

Geoff 36:06
Oh my god. Yeah, so I would qur, still, eh? Like it sounds qur, still, eh.

Georgie 36:15
I think that's that's the that's actually the Reddit thing, I read the first result you got.

Geoff 36:19
Perth now. Reddit user changes name from Qur'stylle. Qur'stylle.

Georgie 36:28
Oh, and then right she's she's spilling it Crystal with a h right, c-h-r-y-s-t-a-l is what she changed it to and I think in the original Reddit thread that Reddit post that she posted there people were commenting and saying why you spelling it with a h then if you hate like your original, the name of the spelling of your original name so much. Like don't leave her alone right she'll do whatever she wants. The point is that she didn't like the name she was given at birth, the spelling of it anyway and just.

Geoff 36:57
Yeah, yeah. Yeah, my asshole scumbag parents named me Qur'stylle, my whole life I have gotten shit like are you muslim? Oh yeah, cuz that's how you do the Quran right? It's I hate you spoke Quran? Q-u-r-a-n.

Georgie 37:21
But again, right, people see that name. And I guess they make the assumption. So people make assumptions purely based on people's name that's like, oh, are you Muslim because that's how your name is spelled. Which it's funny that that names can open up an entire like, world of stereotyping, right?

Geoff 37:41
Yeah, it is spelt q-u-r-a-n with a apostrophe on Quran. Quran? Yeah. Oh, where are you originally from? Actually, Dorinda’s name is quite funny. It has Greek origins. So I was like.

Georgie 37:58
So is mine. I think mine is Greek, too. Yeah.

Geoff 38:00
Woah, what? Yeah.

Georgie 38:05
I think there's another way to spell Dorinda as well, isn't it? Isn't there one way where it's like d-e-r-i-n-d-a-h?

Geoff 38:13
Bountiful gift. Greek origin. D-e-r? D-e-r?

Georgie 38:17
Yeah. I-n-d-a. I feel like I've...

Geoff 38:22

Georgie 38:24

Geoff 38:26
But yeah, I was like, Dorinda is, sounds like a really unique name. And she's like, it's got Greek origin. I'm like, Yeah, your parents really into Greek stuff. And she's like no? Like, okay,

Georgie 38:38
Well, my parents aren’t into Greek stuff, but and Georgina just happens to be Greek. It's all you know what the meaning of my name is?

Geoff 38:45
No, but I’m looking it up. You're a farmer or earth worker.

Georgie 38:50
I know people used to laugh at the fact that it was like technically Georgina means farmer. And but then you read other way, other sources that put it a different way. And they’re like, controller of the earth. I’m like yeah, I'm the controller of the earth. Yeah.

Geoff 39:06
I mean, you can say you're like the Earth's caretaker which is also sounds a little better.

Georgie 39:11
Yeah, it's like of the Earth, doesn't matter. I mean, but I don't know if I like live up to my name's meaning or whatever. But I really do like nature a lot. Maybe there's something in that. What’s Geoffrey mean?

Geoff 39:26
Yeah. I don't know if I live up to it, but maybe. I am considered God's peace, I believe. Yeah.

Georgie 39:38
God's peace. What does that even mean?

Geoff 39:40
Is it God's peace? I can't remember why but I’m looking at it now. And I still can't see.

Georgie 39:45
Or are you just God.

Geoff 39:47
I am just God. This, soz everybody.

Georgie 39:49
Geoffrey meaning peace.

Geoff 39:51
Yeah. I think it's like God's peace or peace. But yeah, I feel I feel I can I can be peaceful. Fuck you all man. Peace out that's what it is.

Georgie 40:14
I don't think it means anything like, to be honest.

Geoff 40:17
Peaceful gift peaceful gift divine divine peace that's the one I am divine peace it doesn't get my name at all. But yeah, I mean they like baby name meanings my parents they gave me Geoffrey because it was the name of my one of my dad's bosses they they thought highly of him so they named me after them boss.

Georgie 40:43
Oh OK that’s interesting.

Geoff 40:43
That's that's really strange. So they don't actually

Georgie 40:49
Do you know what I was named after.

Geoff 40:50
Oh yeah go?

Georgie 40:52
Who I was named after.

Geoff 40:53
Georgina Sparks.

Georgie 40:54
I wish... I thought that was Jordin Sparks?

Geoff 40:58
It’s from Gossip Girl.

Georgie 41:02
Okay. Okay, so So I wish I so totally wish I was named after the song Georgy Girl because that would have been cool. I am named after... fuck what’s her name again? I just I just, my mind is, I just got a brain fart.

Geoff 41:25
Okay, famous Georgina's. I think I know I remember you telling me this one time, but I –

Georgie 41:30
What’s, fuck, she was in, she was in A Country Practice or something. What’s her name again?

Geoff 41:37
A Country Practice?

Georgie 41:41
I feel like I just brain farted on that, yeah.

Geoff 41:43
This is your name bro.

Georgie 41:44
Georgie, Georgie Parker.

Geoff 41:46
Georgina Parker.

Georgie 41:49
Yeah, I was hearing from Georgie Parker. And then when I tell people that they like, oh, you're younger than I thought because like how old is Georgie Parker?

Geoff 41:58
Rude. She is 56 years old. Oh, yeah I remember, she was in Home and Away, and All Saints and man. Yeah, she's made the rounds on Australian.

Georgie 42:13
Yeah, but so she's only like, 27 years older than me. So, you know, when I was born, like she was probably making a debut and so on. But it's it's interesting, right? Like, I wish I was just named after the Georgy Girl song. That would be like, kind of better in my opinion. Anyway, not gonna hate on my parents.

Geoff 42:34

Georgie 42:35
Hey so Geoff, if you could change your name today.

Geoff 42:39
Ah, no I’ve never thought about it.

Georgie 42:41
Like, if you could just, pick a name.

Geoff 42:44
I've always liked the name Artemis. Like, also the book Artemis.

Georgie 42:51
Like after Artemis Fowl? Oh shit you are a nerd. But I like that book, too.

Geoff 42:55
Yeah. I like I like the way it sounds. And also,

Georgie 43:01
It’s Greek too, isn't it?

Geoff 43:02
Yeah, it's after a Greek, it's actually a female goddess of wild animals hunt and vegetation and chastity and childbirth. So you know, it's it's everything that I am. Yeah, I'm the embodiment of this, this goddess. But I think I really liked the the word architect. I liked I like the the fact that it starts with an A, the just like, the syllable intonation. And then Artemis is kind of like an actual name. You wouldn't name someone architects. Hello, there Architect Chong. Like that's –

Georgie 43:49
Actually, no, let's do let's do it. Your name is Architect Chong.

Geoff 43:55
Also, AC is a –

Georgie 43:57
Wait but, you know, people used to I mean, in Western culture, their names are like their occupation.

Geoff 44:04
Their last name it's like their lot.

Georgie 44:07
Yeah, yeah.

Geoff 44:08
Yeah. My friends last name is Slattery because they're from a line of Slater's.

Georgie 44:15
And there's like Smith. Wordsmiths.

Geoff 44:17
Blacksmiths and stuff like that. So.

Georgie 44:20
And then Wright for like playwright or.

Geoff 44:22
Yeah, yeah. Um, but yeah, I didn't realize Artemis was a fe–female. Or, the the name of a Greek goddess and not a Greek god. Because I just knew it from Artemis Fowl being Artemis Fowl. So yeah, I think I like the name Artemis. Maybe I'll name a future child, Artemis or something like that. But it's it's.

Georgie 44:45
Artemis Chong. Get that in the SEO.

Geoff 44:50
I'll just go I'll just go buy the domain name right now. I saved it for you man, Oh shit I'm gonna go buy it.

Georgie 45:06
Buy it before someone listens to this episode and then buys it.

Geoff 45:10
The oh, what's the other name? I think? Oh Vincent. I really liked Vincent for a while as well. Yeah, my...

Georgie 45:23
Is that Van Gogh or something just?

Geoff 45:24
No Vincent from Final Fantasy. Vincent, Final Fantasy but my apparently apparently found out that my grandfather's name on my mom's side is Vincent, so it would be like naming after my grandfather, but now I want to name after this dude. He's like a like part vampire or something. Yeah, it's pretty badass. He he builds two guns. But you don't play video games?

Georgie 46:00
No, but we can talk about that in another episode.

Geoff 46:03
Oh, Oh, my god, Artemis Chong dot com, it like rhymes.

Georgie 46:08
Maybe that should be your alias. Right? And then when you have a kid you name the kid Artemis. And then you can just forward, the you can hand me down the domain.

Geoff 46:16
Full circle. Yeah, Artemis is arguably really difficult to get actually as a as a unique name on different platforms. Oh, yeah. But yes, yeah,, I'm gonna pay for this for like the next 10 years or something before I actually have a child. That would be like 20 years before the child would even want a domain name. Like, it's like stocks. I gave you this. All right, you have to use it. It's your name, they be like, “I don't want a domain name. It's lame. Such boomer stuff, dad”.

Georgie 46:53
Can you imagine if you did have a kid named Artemis, and they just like hated that name? You’d be like heartbroken.

Geoff 47:00
I mean, I mean, like, I feel like it's pretty vain of me to feel like that about a name for my child. Right? So it's okay, they can hate it. I mean, if you turn it backwards, it's Simetra, Simetra. Oh my god. So you look at all the possibilities of, you know, of usernames they can have.

Georgie 47:25
Transport planning and modeling? Simetra, Simetra.

Geoff 47:30
Oh my god, there's a person actually named symetra. No actor Tommy Chong is a is battling prostate cancer. Okay. Anyway.

Georgie 47:40
Well that was just random.

Geoff 47:42
And it's a dual. It's a very, not bi–no, not bi name. Gender neutral name. Artemis. Can be female can be male.

Georgie 47:52

Geoff 47:52
Simetra I think it's kind of female. But yeah. Anyways, you, what...

Georgie 47:58
Totally did not expect you to yeah, well, so what was gonna say, totally did not expect you to, like, randomly think of the name of your future children in this episode. But yeah.

Geoff 48:10
To be honest, I don't know if I'm gonna have children.

Georgie 48:14
Funny. Yeah, okay. Yeah, me neither. I don't know. I'm definitely not ready for that anytime soon. Anyways. When I was younger, actually, funnily enough, did like the name Crystal and just probably just cuz.

Geoff 48:29
You like rocks. Diamond, you want to change your name to Diamond Luhur?

Georgie 48:37
There was a girl in my school in year four who was always bragging about her two middle names. And which were like Crystal and Diana like, cool. Good for you.

Geoff 48:48
Oh like the queen.

Georgie 48:48
And I was just slightly... Pardon?

Geoff 48:51
Oh like the princess. Sorry, not the queen. Princess.

Georgie 48:55
Ah yeah, yeah. Yeah. I was like, kind of jealous that she had the middle name Crystal. And I was like, well, that's not fair. But now I'm not so much into that name. For a brief time, I was into the name, Esmeralda. Ah, because it sounded like emerald, which is my birthstone

Geoff 49:14
But also, Notre Dame, Hunchback of Notre Dame, Esmeralda.

Georgie 49:20
Yeah. Yeah. And another two names that are kind of based on songs or I was inspired by someone or I kind of liked them in some way. I don't know if I'd want the names for myself. But one of them is Layla, L-a-y-l-a, which is a song by Derek and the Dominoes.

Geoff 49:38
Wait, wait, L-e-y?

Georgie 49:42

Geoff 49:43
L-a-y-l-a? Yeah. And try to get the coffee order for that one. Leila?

Georgie 49:51
Leila? Oh, yeah, they but I think you just wrote Leela, but anyway, also. Yeah. The other one is, you know the, Laika, L-a-i-k-a, the first dog Soviet space dog who was in space.

Geoff 50:05

Georgie 50:06
Which is also the name of a song. Yeah. Like that's also the name of a song by Arcade Fire I think. Which I just really liked the sound of the name so.

Geoff 50:19
My sister named her daughter, Leliana.

Georgie 50:25
How do you spell that?

Geoff 50:27
Oh, L-e-i-l... I'm pretty sure that how you spell it shit. Do I don't know how to spell my own niece’s like name? I think is Leliana. Yeah, Leliana. What, where's it from Dragon Quest? So my, yeah, Leliana. Ended up this fictional character in a video game.

Georgie 50:52
It’s a nice name!

Geoff 50:52
Yeah. My dad was not impressed when he found that it was a name for a video game. Exactly. Exactly. This one is...

Georgie 51:04
It's like that stereotype thing. Sometimes people hear a name and they immediately, like hate it because they dated somebody with that name or something.

Geoff 51:11

Georgie 51:12
And I get like this.

Geoff 51:14
Yeah, yeah. But like, we're like, Leile is like a shortened version of it. But not everyone can spell not everyone's really good at spelling Leliana. It's like, it's pretty bad. So she's gonna have probably, like, fun problems ahead. Whether or not she’ll actually enjoy her name. But I think yeah, it's a nice name. When you when you say it out loud.

Georgie 51:41

Geoff 51:42
Oh, yeah. I was gonna say, when my niece Leliana was born. My sister asked me what did I want the niece to call me. Right, Uncle Geoff? Kau-fu.

Georgie 51:55

Geoff 51:57
Which is the Cantonese name for like, uncle. Actually, I think it's the eldest uncle on your mum's side is kau fu. And I said, Call me Grandmaster.

Georgie 52:19
Is that to do with the game?

Geoff 52:20
No. Nothing. It's kind of like, I will well now it's kind of like, relevant because of chess. And I started playing chess again. And I realized that Grandmaster is the highest title for chess. But I didn't think of it back then. I just said the first thing that was stupid off the top of my head. I call him a grandmaster. Yeah. And it's just it's like, no, that's stupid. You're not serious. And my...

Georgie 52:48
Call me god.

Geoff 52:50
God's peace, divine peace. Bow in my presence. Then my brother in law was like, Oh, you're gonna regret it because I'm gonna make her do it. I'm gonna make a call you Grandmaster. But like a while later, I realized that Grandmaster was too close to a rapper name, or DJ name called Grandmaster Jam, I think. Grandmaster DJ. But yeah, it was too close to this Grandmaster DJ guy. And I was like, yeah, Grandmaster Flash. Yeah. And I didn't want to be related to Grandmaster Flash, even though he was in Sugar Hill. I mean, they had a cool song, but you know, just not. It's not my vibe. So yeah, I quickly dropped the Grandmaster thing, before before it sunk in. Now she calls me Uncle Geoff.

Georgie 53:56
That makes a lot more sense.

Geoff 53:58
Should I buy this domain name? It seems like low hanging fruit. How? What's the cheapest .com I can find.

Georgie 54:08
I buy mine on name or NameCheap.

Geoff 54:11
Yeah, NameCheap. You’re a NameCheap OG.

Georgie 54:16
Yeah, because I've had an account for like, 12 years or something. I went, I logged in the other day to renew something. Yeah. And it was like since 2008. It was like fuck.

Geoff 54:26
You know, I tried to look for my domain name the other day. And I was like, oh my God. I literally can't figure out which platform I d–I bought domains from

Georgie 54:36
You don’t remember?

Geoff 54:36
Yeah, I can't remember where I think it was. I went through, there's GoDaddy, there's NameCheap. There's some more obscure ones that I went to that were Australian based and secure because my friend said to buy there. And now I can't fucking remember where my domains are. I've only got one. It's So.

Georgie 54:58
You probably get an email to renew?

Geoff 55:01
The auto renews... yeah, auto renew’s a very strong, strong but she I couldn't find it. But should I just buy? Should I buy, because...

Georgie 55:14
You literally, we need to get, we should get like a Toast and Roast domain.

Geoff 55:20
Can we? Is it actually a domain name? Toast Roast...

Georgie 55:25
I think I said ToastRoastPod...

Geoff 55:28

Georgie 55:32
Nah I hate this AU thing.

Geoff 55:35
Toast Roast Podcast. But you know, another thing that we don't want to let go of is this podcast. So yeah, thanks everyone for listening. As always, you can find us at toastroastpod on Instagram and telegram. I think we're posting more on Instagram these days.

Georgie 56:04

Geoff 56:05
I mean, not Telegram, Twitter.

Georgie 56:09
Did you say Instgram Telegram?

Geoff 56:09
I got all caught in the gram thing. Maybe we should go on Telegram let us know if you use Telegram. Because I do. And if we should get What do you think of podcasts with domain names? And...

Georgie 56:26
I have no strong opinions.

Geoff 56:27
Yeah, neither do I.

Georgie 56:33
Tell us your name hassles.

Geoff 56:35
Oh, yeah.

Georgie 56:36
Or where your name’s from.

Geoff 56:37
If you have a funny name or not a funny name.

Georgie 56:38
Or what name you wish you had.

Geoff 56:40
That’s a good one. Give us the names you wish you had. But yeah

Georgie 56:45
New episodes every Monday. You can find us on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and the big... I was gonna say the big red Artemis, but I don’t know what that means.

Geoff 56:56
The, man. I can't remember what topic we started with the big name in the sky.

Georgie 57:04
This is a really bad outro. See you next week.

Geoff 57:08
This is a terrible outro. See you next week bye.

Georgie 57:09