Toast & Roast

15: When your hairdresser leaves you

Episode Summary

This episode: Geoff suffers (once again) at the hands of incompetent delivery service, Georgie gets ghosted by her eyebrow-lady, Geoff says goodbye to sandwich shop owners and who is Sean?

Episode Notes

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This episode: Geoff suffers (once again) at the hands of incompetent delivery service, Georgie gets ghosted by her eyebrow-lady, Geoff says goodbye to sandwich shop owners and who is Sean?

No notes to be seen, as its an entirely original story based episode!

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Episode Transcription

Georgie 0:00
Hey everyone, welcome to yet another episode of Toast & Roast. I’m your co host Georgie and I’m here with Geoff.

Geoff 0:09
Yo, it’s Geoff. in the house. My name Geoff. I’ve been doing that at work lately. Like it was like, and I get get into a meeting. I’m like, Hey, everyone. My name Geoff.

Georgie 0:23
Does anyone pick up everybody pick up on it?

Geoff 0:28
I think they know the reference. Yeah, I think at least half of them do anyways. Otherwise it’d be a bit of an awkward thing to do in the meeting. While they’re like we’re handing it to Geoff, and I’ll be like, my name Geoff. But yeah, oh, man. Alright, so today has been a pretty rough day. It was actually started yesterday. So I had like, ordered a bunch of groceries to be delivered yesterday. And just as they were being delivered, I got a call from my phone number. That’s Woolies delivery, right? And they call you to make sure you’re home or something for some reason, they couldn’t, you know, use my intercom for whatever reason, but they called three times. And they thought, I guess they thought no one was home. But I actually picked it up. And like, the automated voice was saying a delivery driver is trying to get in touch with you. We’ll connect you now. But it never connected me. So just dropped off. I did three times. And apparently so the guy so the guy girl, whatever. Delivery person drove off, obviously. And I was sitting there going shit, where’s my delivery? So get on the call with customer service. Hey, hey, customer service again. And they tell me, oh, the driver called you three times. That’s their obligation, you didn’t pick up, so they moved on. So and, but we will tell them to bring it back. So they said they’ll come back in 20 minutes, and they’ll deliver my stuff. And then 20 minutes turned to three hours. They hadn’t they hadn’t even come back. And then I was like, Oh shit, where where did my shit go? So I went on hold again, before I was on hold for maybe 20 minutes. And this time I was on hold, like the estimated time was one hour to one and a half hours.

Georgie 2:37

Geoff 2:38
Holy shit. So I sat there for like 45 minutes. And they picked up and they said, Oh, the driver went home. They didn’t deliver your shit.

Georgie 2:47
What the fuck.

Geoff 2:48
Of course they didn’t do my shit. Yeah. It turned into a huge debacle. But so they said, we’ll, we’ll deliver it tomorrow. I will give you a call back. They didn’t call back. I call it them. This seems like a bit like a conversation about recruiters, always tell you they’re gonna call back. But, yeah, so I ended up with like, five, they like okay, we’re gonna get to you in the next half hour. I’m like, cool. They got it to me in the next half hour. They were missing 60% of the items.

Georgie 3:23

Geoff 3:24
I only got 40% of the groceries. So then I had to go and drive out and go get my own groceries. And I’m like, Fuck this. I was so over deliveries. I’ve also lost a package recently, because delivery people just don’t use the intercom or, I don’t know, never show up. I lost faith. Lost faith in deliveries. Fuck it.

Georgie 3:48
It’s tough I reckon.

Geoff 3:49
But yeah.

Georgie 3:50
Like I worry about losing stuff as well. And sometimes I worry that I won’t go downstairs in time to answer the door. Like, I worry that like, they’ll call me and the intercom thing. I’ll be like, yeah, I’m coming down and worry that when I get there, they will be they will be like, Oh man, I fucking can’t wait for this person. Because I have to go through so many elevators. OK not so many, I have to go through two elevators. But in this day and age, nobody wants to – some people don’t want to share the elevator with you, which is fair enough, right? Yeah. And so we have to wait. And because a lot of people are getting parcels because the postman or the delivery person. Sorry, I should say post person, postie – can also be a woman or yeah. Because they have a lot to deliver. And so they’re calling different like many different apartment numbers. And so a lot of people are going down to the lobby to go and pick up pick it up. Sometimes I just wish we had like a mailing room. But yeah.

Geoff 4:58
Oh man. Apparently there’s been a suggestion about a like a parcel box being installed downstairs I don’t know what that means but parcel boxes I’ve seen like bolted to the floor or something like that and the post these have like a combination code or something that they can open the box and throw your shit.

Georgie 5:19
Yeah I had a parcel accidentally get sent to a parcel box or parcel locker in a completely different apartment building down the road from where I live.

Geoff 5:33
That’s my 100% concern because we have three entrances to like three different buildings.

Georgie 5:37
Yeah, we do too.

Geoff 5:38
They assume somebody doesn’t show up yeah every time anytime something shows up, doesn’t show up. I check all the doors.

Georgie 5:44
Yeah just in case.

Geoff 5:45
Go walk around the entire block Yeah, because it’s happened before.

Georgie 5:50
Yeah and then sometimes I’m worried that just some passerby will come in and pick it up from the floor if they’ve just left it inside the inside the door and of the lobby which is fair enough because like you can’t fit everything into the post box but yeah. So with this parcel locker thing, I think I got a notification saying my item had been delivered. I go and check the mailbox and like no, it hasn’t been delivered. It was just like a top like that I bought online so I was like, it would definitely fit in the mailbox slot. And then I go and check, do the thing where I check all of the different entrances in the lobbies, is like not there, and then I’ve got a mysterious what seemed mysterious at the time text message from something called something, my parcel locker, whatever it didn’t seem to have anything to do with Australia Post because I know with Australia Post you can, what’s the word, you can reserve or like book parcel lockers?

Geoff 6:52
I uesd to have one.

Georgie 6:52
Yeah, so this was not related to that, it was something else and it said, here’s your PIN code or something and yada yada.

Geoff 7:01
So dodge.

Georgie 7:02
And yeah it was very weird and I went for a walk, and I was thinking about it I’m like, what’s going on? And I think the parcel had been sent with Star Track couriers and then I started looking at Star Trcack, and then there was no contact number, and then I just came across a Whirlpool forum post of people complaining like –

Geoff 7:22
Oh my god you know, you know it’s bad when there’s a Whirlpool forum post about something.

Georgie 7:28
Yes I know. So I read into it and then I realised pretty quickly that Star Track is just like, a kind of thing where different couriers, that different couriers use, it’s not actually like one thing so they are not going to do jack shit. So I was like, ah, alright, I need to figure out something else. So I go and look at the website and look up the company that texted me, this my parcel locker thing or whatever it was, and then that I just read into it on their website and I think they said yeah, we have parcel lockers all over blah blah, Sydney, they’re easy to access 24/7 and I’m like, man is this some like, pick up like shit, like, you go to drive to a depot and pick up the shit? I don’t, I don’t know, like, but I read it and then I was like, look, I don’t know where my parcel is. So I’m going to have to call them or something. So I ended up calling. Actually, before I go into that, in the text message it mentioned like the name of the apartment complex, but I didn’t recognise it. I do go for like a lot of walks, especially in this lockdown time. I do walk around my neighborhood a lot and neighboring suburbs. But I didn’t recognise this apartment building name. So I just thought it was actually the name of some, like, not a residential complex, but I thought it was like a shopping centre or something where they have parcel lockers. Anyway, I rang I rang them up and I was like, hey, I’m really sorry if this is like a bizarre request, I said, but I had a parcel where the tracking said that it was delivered to some parcel locker but and I don’t have a parcel locker in my building. And like, I don’t know what’s going on. And then the guy on the other side of, on the line, he didn’t seem really friendly at first. And I was like, man, I hope this guy’s not just thinking I’m really annoying, and not going to be very helpful. And what we found out was that, yes, my parcel had been dropped into a lock – parcel locker in another apartment complex. And this guy said, this is actually the sixth time today that it had happened.

Geoff 9:42
Woah, so lazy.

Georgie 9:43
He said, the courier must have, I don’t know just misread the address and just dumped it in this parcel locker. And so this guy said you should be able to just go over there and, and then tell them what happened, that your your parcel is in the wrong locker, and then just give them this this number so yeah. And I went over, I was I was like when does it close? Because, I said, I have to go to, I have to dial into a meeting I was like what do I do? And he said the apartment complex looks like it like it has a desk, like a, like an actual, what do you call it like a, like a manned lobby like some apartments have.

Geoff 10:07
Yeah reception.

Georgie 10:23
Yeah they have, yeah that’s right, yeah they have a reception thing he said, and I think they close at five he said. But you know, we should, he said to me, we should be able to remotely unlock the locker if, if it’s outside of hours and he’s like, so just yeah, just give me a call. Or he, he said one of my colleagues will be here so he was quite helpful. And then I went over there and then yeah, I just walked in and I think it was like just before five o’clock, and they were still at the reception desk and I said yeah, my parcel got sent to the wrong place I live up the road and they were like oh yeah, cool. Yeah, this has happened before and blah. And then what happened was I –

Geoff 10:59
You should get everything delivered there.

Georgie 11:01
Well it seems convenient because then I don’t have to answer the bloody door but it was pretty cool. I think our apartment block should get one. So it was like this, there’s a whole set of like, I guess metal lockers, different sized drawers. And then they will have like a little screen on it with a little keypad or something. And I think you typed in your, you like.

Geoff 11:18
Like in Japan.

Georgie 11:19
If you type in your phone number or something and then it’ll text you with a code and you type that code and thing just literally opens and you get your parcel. It’s –

Geoff 11:29
I totally want one.

Georgie 11:30
It’s convenient as, I think.

Geoff 11:32
Where could we put one?

Georgie 11:33
You might have to ask your building manager or whatever.

Geoff 11:36
Yeah, God so like, in the COVID time the building manager has had decided to reduce their hours to between 10am and 12pm. So yeah, like I don’t know, it’s just so inconvenient. But you know, I’m not so sure what they do to be honest. The there’s a bylaw and in our apartment building that they’re not, like posties aren’t allowed to just leave packages unattended outside, the outside our front doors or outside our front lobbies. So now it’s kind of like between 10 and 12 if if the building manager sees any packages they have the right to pick it up and like chuck it.

Georgie 12:21

Geoff 12:22
Um yeah, so I’m always concerned that my parcel, if it’s been, if it’s been delivered too early, or like without my knowing or like too, it’s been like delivered the previous day and I only got notified that it got delivered the day after that the building manager could just pick it up and throw it. So I’ve caught one, I’ve caught one package just before the building manager like when the building manager took it in to their office, but we don’t have any reception or anything and barely any building manager and I don’t think that this building’s occupants would, or owners, would go in for for reception because most of them don’t live in this building

Georgie 13:12
I can’t believe that that’s a law, that they can just discard the parcel. I’m saying discard is like the nicest way possible. Like they’re probably just destroying. Stealing. “Oh my god new iPhone, mine now.

Geoff 13:27
Yeah, exactly. It’s one of the bylaws like like the strata committee

Georgie 13:32

Geoff 13:32
Or the the owners committee came up with it. Or something like that.

Georgie 13:37
So yeah, yeah. When you said you tried parcel lockers, like the Australia Post parcel – how did that, like? Is there a reason why you don’t do that anymore?

Geoff 13:47
Um It’s good question. I don’t know if there’s I don’t actually look up at see if there’s any parcel lockers in in my area. This probably is but yes, I know. I don’t want to walk over to a different location and pick up my parcels.

Georgie 14:00

Geoff 14:01
Like I get big stuff delivered. Why would I pay to walk it over to my house.

Georgie 14:07
Yeah sorry, a 4K TV is not gonna fit in a parcel locker Geoff. If you keep buying those.

Geoff 14:15
Yeah, make it sound like I’ve got a 4K TV shop over here.

Georgie 14:19
He secretly does, everybody.

Geoff 14:23
I’ve only got three monitors in my house at the moment.

Georgie 14:25
Only. Only.

Geoff 14:29
On Friday. On Friday, I did I did something a little bit different. I had like three different things to kind of order. But I did click and collect for all of them. So I just drove around and collected all the stuff, it’s way better than getting it delivered.

Georgie 14:47
It’s a bit of less of a hassle because again, that is something you can control right? You just go ah, I’m gonna go in my car and go pick up the thing versus like fucking waiting there while you’re working probably on a weekday and then waiting for the bell to ring and then having to rush down and get the fucking...

Geoff 15:03
Go down yeah, and then coming back up.

Georgie 15:06
So there are perks.

Geoff 15:07
And then 7am deliveries are like a sin, it should be illegal to do seven AM delivery. Excuse me, but I’ve been woken up way too many times for deliveries.

Georgie 15:23
Is that courier, like a courier delivery or, why is it seven am?

Geoff 15:27
I don’t know. I don’t know. But I’ve had deliveries like at 8pm, 7am just all hours of the day. Essentially. It’s just really weird. But I hate getting woken up by my, by my intercom when the delivery people actually know how to use my intercom. We literally have a sign that says replace zeros with three.

Georgie 15:54

Geoff 15:55
So it’s like 7707 you have to 0737 like the apartment number. But like lately half of the people just don’t read that and they’re like your intercom’s not working like yeah, you have to replace the zeroes...

Georgie 16:11
Read the instructions...

Geoff 16:12
It’s stupid. But yeah, just read the instructions that are on top of the intercom.

Georgie 16:16
So one of my things that I’ve don’t, that I kind of panic about when it comes to deliveries is that I am like in the shower or on the toilet. Like I don’t have someone else here to help me answer the door or anything, and it actually did happen this one time where I was like I just undressed, I was literally about to go into the shower and then it rang and, far out.

Geoff 16:47
Oh my god it actually happened to me recently when I was on the toilet and they they do the phone call thing saying like, we’ve got the delivery for you. And I had to answer the phone on the toilet like I had it on my watch and I just answered the, answered my watch. And I’m like, just leave it there. I’ll get it. They’re like, on top of the mailbox? I go, yes, yes, go.

Georgie 17:12
Leave me to take my shit.

Geoff 17:14
Yeah, just leave my shit. Okay, and I’ll leave my shit too.

Georgie 17:20
That’s gonna go in a, what’s the thing that we post on Instagram, a soundbite thing? Which I haven’t like done...

Geoff 17:28
Ship it ship it. What was, what were you saying before?

Georgie 17:36
Parcel locker?

Geoff 17:39
Yeah. parcel lockers. I used to have one. Oh my god the, you were telling a story. What was your story? I completely like

Georgie 17:50
I was talking about like

Geoff 17:50
I completely blanked on what you just said.

Georgie 17:51
Oh, panicking about them calling when you’re like –

Geoff 17:54
Oh, panicking.

Georgie 17:55

Geoff 17:57
Yeah, I panic. I panic particularly. Oh, right. So recently, recently, I got a delivery. It said it got delivered. But then I went downstairs, it wasn’t delivered. So I panicked a bit. But then I was like, oh, it could have been small enough to put into the, into the mailbox. So I went to get my keys because I don’t carry keys anymore. So when I forgot my keys, and I tried to open my mailbox, and it didn’t unlock, and I was like, why aren’t my keys working? I couldn’t open my mailbox. So called Building Management. They brought a locksmith out and the locksmith was, didn’t have to change the lock or anything. They just like, the lock had been pushed too far in.

Georgie 18:43

Geoff 18:44
So they just pulled it out a little bit. And it unlocked, and oh my god, I had so much mail I had like a stack that was like I don’t know 15 centimetres like.

Georgie 18:58

Geoff 18:58
I hadn’t checked my mail in like six months.

Georgie 19:00
Are you serious? Why? I don’t –

Geoff 19:03

Georgie 19:03
How can you not do that? I feel like I check mine religiously.

Geoff 19:05
I don’t check my mail.

Georgie 19:08
Yeah, like I check mine maybe twice a day.

Geoff 19:10
I don’t carry my key.

Georgie 19:12
That’s so silly. So you have like an auto thing for your your actual door right? Like a remote thing.

Geoff 19:17
Yeah, I have a PIN code for my door. I have a key card for the left and the front lobby door. But yeah, I just don’t carry my keys. Anytime I see my mailbox I’m like eh, I’ll check it later. Six, six months later. So –

Georgie 19:36
OK, fair enough.

Geoff 19:37
I opened it up and I brought all the stuff like 90% of was junk.

Georgie 19:41

Geoff 19:41
But I got I found the census forms, was just like the multiple notices telling me that census was overdue.

Georgie 19:49
Are you for real man, wasn’t that, oh.

Geoff 19:53
Yeah, but I submitted online so it’s okay, it’s fine.

Georgie 19:57
Yeah, yeah. I go a post review thing, I had to call them up and they were like you’re randomly selected to do a post census review, and I was like why did we get picked, right? And so I had I called them and good thing on Saturdays they are they are available from like 10am. And they asked a few questions and they were like are you living at this residence? Are you gonna be staying at this residence tonight? Is there anyone else who’s gonna be staying at your residence? I don’t know they do it for like a quality check but I’m like it’s kind of it’s kind of random. Anyway,

Geoff 20:32
Oh yeah, those are the questions you answer on the census.

Georgie 20:34
I know. which I did right. Which I have I read it online too but then for some reason they wanted there was they said these some people get randomly selected to do this check afterwards. And they said it doesn’t, like, it, you may have done it and you may not have done it, but we just do this just cause and I was like, fine. So anyway, what happened with your big pile of mail.

That’s a lot of manpower.


Geoff 20:59
Yeah, so I had some census stuff in there and I had a couple of you know, home owners stuff to deal with, that, that gets mailed to you – doesn’t get emailed so I forgot that that was there. And I got some mail from for somebody else but I didn’t read the name on the mail before opening it I was like oops, oh well. It was innocuous it wasn’t like anything serious but what was actually in there? Oh uh yeah my package so

Georgie 21:30
It was in there, it actually...

Geoff 21:31
Actually yeah it was in there, it actually did fit it in there. What else was really weird inside that inside the mail. Oh yeah, every time I change this like reference to a bank account they mail you to confirm...

Georgie 21:49
Oh my goodness.

Geoff 21:49
...that the bank account changed.

Georgie 21:51
These things, what a waste of paper.

Geoff 21:54
I know. I don’t understand why anyone gets mail these days. What else was like was in there? I need to get a no junk mail sign

Georgie 22:03
They don’t work. Our entire –

Geoff 22:06
They don’t work?

Georgie 22:06
So our entire like bunch of mailboxes for all the different apartments and units whatever. There’s a big “no junk mail”. I think there’s two of them, like above the and we still get junk mail. So I think a majority of stuff is junk mail. I mean, the kind of legit mail I get, I don’t know, apart from parcels of things I buy that actually fit in the mailbox. I don’t think I get anything legit, not too much of it anyway. I think we’ve gotten some stuff from our own insurance like every year which is fine.

Geoff 22:44
Yeah, so why do you check your mailbox religiously?

Georgie 22:47
Um, I don’t know. I feel like it’s just like out of habit and I think because I used to buy a lot of thing, before like COVID and pandemic stuff. I used to buy a lot of like things on eBay that would just be like a like one top or a pair of pants they would just fit into the mailbox so they always came, they always, yeah, they’re always in there and didn’t require someone ringing the bell and you picking it up for security reasons blah blah. I don’t know why, they like, I talk, I talk to my postie sometimes and like he said, I can’t leave it in there. Like sometimes it’s just like, and he said that someone in our apartment building reported a package as having been stolen or missing after he delivered it. And he was like yeah, I’m not gonna risk it like just sucks. And then I guess sucks for the person.

Geoff 23:37
You talk to your postie?

Georgie 23:38
Yeah, I don’t often do right? But I guess I got so many parcels in the past couple of years and before the pandemic that –

Geoff 23:45
Do you know your postie’s name now?

Georgie 23:47
Yeah. Yeah, it’s Sean. And like, like sometimes I see him at the other apartment buildings in the area and like he recognises me. So it’s weird because I’m not usually that kind of person who’s socialises with your, you know, barista, or your postie, your like, I don’t know, eyelash extension artist, or whatever, you know, hairdresser.

Geoff 24:16
That’s really oddly specific.

Georgie 24:19
I’m trying to think of like services where you see the same person, like again and again, and yeah, I mean, sometimes I talk to my chiropractor, I guess, but whatever. Yeah.

Geoff 24:30
Back when I was in Newcastle, I ate at three specific places. It was either fish and chips. It was or like the beef, beef brisket, roll place, and sushi, right? But I went to fish and chips so often, that they preempt my order. Like they recognise me. I think even one time they only did this once, but one time I got there and my order was already done.

Georgie 25:07
Shit. You had –

Geoff 25:08
They handed to me.

Georgie 25:08
You hadn’t even ordered?

Geoff 25:11
No, I just got there, they were just like, were like, cocktail fish pack right?

Georgie 25:19
Our fish and chips shop does the same thing to us. They’re like oh, two salmon and chips? But it’s like, not not quite like it’s already done. But yeah, they see us and they’re like yeah, the usual two salmon? And sometimes they give us a free salad or a free thing and it’s like oh my god.

Geoff 25:37
So good, but.

Georgie 25:38
It’s good, right? But then sometimes we actually didn’t want the free food because it was like so full and it’s just like oh my god. And then sometimes we ask for like two salmon and one serving of chips so we can share it instead of getting like two big serves, and then they just give us two servings, and then they want – go on.

Geoff 26:01
No, they only did it once I feel like you should – you shouldn’t do that. Because how did they know that I’ll go to the fish and chip that day. And it would close when it’s raining and I’d be like bummed because I wanna get fish and chips. Why do they close when it’s raining? God. Get me something to eat when it’s raining.

Georgie 26:20
Are they outside? Are they outdoors or something?

Geoff 26:21
Yeah, it’s kind of like a it’s kind of like just a kitchen window.

Georgie 26:24

Geoff 26:24
Kiosk. And yeah, and –

Georgie 26:28
Tuck shop.

Geoff 26:28
They’re next to the

Georgie 26:30
I’m referencing the old, the second episode or whatever.

Geoff 26:34
I think it’s more more cant– ah more tuck shop.

Georgie 26:38

Geoff 26:39
Kiosk type.

Georgie 26:41
There is an actual kitchen in the back.

Geoff 26:44
Yeah, they’re actually next to the water. So I guess it makes sense to close when it like rains. But the thing is, how can you tell, like if it rains in the morning, they just closed for the entire day? Like it’s not gonna rain at lunchtime.

Georgie 26:58
They’re losing income!

Geoff 27:00
Yeah, yeah, it’s every now and that so I think they found that I wasn’t consistent like I’d go maybe four out of five days. But but there is that one or odd day that I’ll just get sushi or something like that. So yeah, they only really preempted my order once

Georgie 27:19
Yeah, the thing I –

Geoff 27:20
They didn’t just make.

Georgie 27:22
The thing I fear about being a regular at places is that like once they get to, for example, know your name and know your order and stuff. I feel like if I decide to get something else, they’re like, oh, you want to get something else, and I’m like oh shit don’t judge me. Like I changed my order just leave me alone, like it’s so weird.

Geoff 27:43
No, I’m afraid of them seeing me eating not the thing they make.

Georgie 27:49
Oh yeah.

Geoff 27:50
I have to if I have to walk past them to get to different food I’d not. I opt not to do that, I go like the long way around or just not eat that food.

Georgie 28:02
But do they really care? I mean yeah, I get the same...

Geoff 28:05
I don’t think they do.

Georgie 28:06
There’s a cafe we used to go to like religiously. And then we found another one that was kind of better, which we started going to a bit more often. And then it’s like, oh they’re gonna wonder where we went and like I remember we went on holidays pre COVID holidays for a couple weeks and like oh, we didn’t see you like last week. We were on holidays. And then like, other times it was like we weren’t on holidays, we just went to a different cafe.

Geoff 28:32
So when I was working in Pyrmont I went to this very specific cafe and the chips – sublime. It is best chips in the entirety of Sydney. And we usually go that to get the chips and oh shit – what did we get other than the chips? We got something. Wrap. Probably got like a chicken wrap or something like that. And the chips. And we went there so often that when it was my last day at at Domain I thought it, I thought I should say bye to them.

Georgie 29:13

Geoff 29:13
Like just in case they wonder where I went.

Did you do it? So I basically ordered it. And I said, I said this, this will be my last order. Because I’m moving on. They’re like oh, well it was it was nice to serve you. And then we exchanged names for the first time in like three years.

Georgie 29:42
I don’t know why but this is like so bittersweet. And like, I had, I had the same thoughts. The same thought like if I move like if I want to move I will probably move somewhere like nearby because I like the area I live in. But I would just feel like next time I see my postie, yeah, I’d have to be like I’m moving! I don’t I’m not gonna live here anymore!

Geoff 30:06
You come down to out a a different building and Sean’s like how did you get here? Did you actually move?

Georgie 30:13

Geoff 30:14
Yeah. It’s kind of strange.

Georgie 30:16
Because they’re not like your friend right? But it’s kind of like...

Geoff 30:19

Georgie 30:20
Oh dude I got, yeah. So we had we had a neighbor who lived across like in the apartment across the hallway, and he had, he had a dog and then his boyfriend moved in with him and then they got another dog, and he was here since we moved here back in 2017 and then he – we used to chat like, small talk I guess in the elevator, or like when we saw each other, or like downstairs in the shopping centre, and then I think last year at some point he moved. And it was so weird because I just felt like I had to say bye to him and stuff and I just saw like, we saw it when he was moving all of his stuff with his boyfriend like in the car and like moving like furniture and everything and I just happened to see him on pretty much like I guess the day he was probably never going to come back. And like I think I came back from a walk because like the middle of the day it was like I think it’s just like by chance right? And um he said he was like collecting the keys or something because the cleaner was gonna clean the apartment for the next person moved in and stuff and like we even talked about like it he was like if you know anybody who needs like a one bedroom apartment so on. And it was so weird I was like, I’m never gonna see this guy again probably. And then like a few months later I actually did see him he was working like in the street I don’t know what his actual job was, like he’s got like a dog walking business but he looked like he was dressed like like in work clothes I guess, like I just saw him in the street was like hey, we just like recognised each other. But it’s also just like we’ve never really had a conversation conversation. It’s so weird though. Because you just feel like...

Geoff 32:01

Georgie 32:02
This person is like some...

Geoff 32:03
It’s like some kind of weird ephemeral esque relationship.

Georgie 32:07
Yeah, yeah. For sure.

Geoff 32:11
Well, I went to, I had another place that in Pyrmont I went to was the jaffle place.

Georgie 32:17
I don’t know it.

Geoff 32:17
They just made jaffles. Do you know what jaffles are?

Georgie 32:21
No, actually wait. I haven’t...

Geoff 32:23
The triangular toasties...

Georgie 32:25
They’re toasties right? With the yeah you make them with the sandwichy thing?

Geoff 32:30
Yeah, yeah.

Georgie 32:31
Yep yep.

Geoff 32:33
But yeah, but toasties is too broad, toasties can be two pieces of flat bread.

Georgie 32:39
So this is almost like sealed on the edges right?

Geoff 32:41
Yeah, these are sealed.

Georgie 32:42
Yeah, my mum had like the old school jaffle maker like that made of iron. Yeah, I know what you mean.

Geoff 32:48
Ooh, iron.

Georgie 32:49
Is it iron? I don’t know but it’s just like

Geoff 32:51
I love it.

Georgie 32:51
It was super old school, so heavy and then it’s just like got two sandwiches things on each side and you just put it on the, yeah, yeah. Okay, now I know what you mean. Go on anyway, jaffles.

Geoff 33:02
So as I go I went there so often. The lady also preempts my order. So I go there, they’re like do you want the same order. And I sat down and they took a couple of minutes to just talk to me. And so we shared some like background like cuz I think we’re from the same place and she and she spoke some Canto and I think I kind of just responded in Canto out of habit when someone speaks Canto, so they struck up conversation with me. I’m like, this is really weird. I’m kind of obligated to sit here waiting for my sandwich. And my my jaffle. You’re like cornered me essentially, but they were nice, so then we exchanged, I think I think I also went and said bye to them. Just went around saying bye to all the food places when I was leaving Domain. Oh my god, but it’s yeah it’s kind of this weird thing where you see some, yes you get used to seeing someone every day and then sort of like do you say bye? Like you never known them really? I’ve never had a neighbour neighbour though, I don’t think I’ve ever known a neighbour.

Georgie 34:18
I think in the house I grew up in with my parents like one of our neighbours, an older couple the the wife’s passed, the wife passed away like a while back but we always they were always really friendly with my family and they gave us like presents at Christmas like myself and my brother and like so they were pretty cool. I would say like they, and my parents were close ish. Actually, I think I think we invited the husband to to our wedding, but he wasn’t able to make it um, I guess because he was a lot or he is quite old.

Geoff 35:00
Did they tell you? Did they tell you they couldn’t make it?

Georgie 35:03
Yeah, like I was, I talked to my mum about it and my mum was like, oh, maybe he can come with his grandson or you know, cuz cuz he, he and his son, his grandson like really close or whatever, but he was like oh, it’s okay like cuz I don’t think I’m very well so it’s, yeah. But it was a nice gesture anyway. And I think like my parents are now building like they they built like a duplex in that spot and I remember before they did it, he was like, the neighbour was like, oh are you leaving? Like he was like pretty upset he like I was like oh no, we were like, we’re going to be renting like nearby and I will come and say hi and all this. Yeah, but other than that, as an adult, not and I don’t know, maybe it’s maybe because of our age and stuff and just the way the world is. I’ve never really connected with neighbours. Also weird in an apartment.

Geoff 35:58
Yeah, one of my friends... Yeah, one of my friends is like is one of those people who just so happens to meet all the neighbours on our floor and they, whilst I was living with them, and like they say hi, and they you know, get to know the neighbours on the floor. Like I think one of the guy like most of like the people that were living in the building at that time, they they all owned their apartments. They’ve owned like, that apartment for the past like 20, 30 odd years. That’s a really, really old apartment. And so they met one of the neighbours and found out that they were the neighbour was a world record holder for being the oldest triathlon runner or something like that. And has like Wow, you really need to stop talking to our neighbours it’s really weird.

Georgie 37:02
If they’ve lived there for a while. I feel like that’s more likely to result in like some kind of friendship or whatever.

Geoff 37:10
Yeah, but we lived there for like a year.

Georgie 37:12
Ah but I mean for the people who were already there. Yeah, yeah, that

Geoff 37:16
They probably know each other. That’s what Yeah. But yeah, and then um, so I visited that friend’s new apartment and they noticed that someone was, and like someone new was entering one of the other apartments because they knew that that apartment was recently vacated like they like they got someone moved out so they proactively went over to say hi. And I could not.

Georgie 37:47
I could not, that’s not me.

Geoff 37:47
I was like, oh my god I’m so embarrassed for you to do that.

Georgie 37:53
Some people naturally do that.

Geoff 37:54
Turns out it was the cleaner.

Georgie 37:55
Oh okay, so our cleaner’s, like he’s cool. I don’t have like a convo with him. But I just say hey, right. When he’s he’s doing this job. He’s really nice. Actually, this one time, we ordered a bunch of like muscle meals, which is like those meals that a lot of bodybuilders like, I don’t know if I told you about this, or showed you a picture. But it’s just like this pre pre like packed, microwavable meals which are actually quite good. Anyway, we ordered like a whole bunch of them and it came in like two boxes. And then at the same time, I can’t remember I got like, I got another delivery which was also in a box. So I had these three big boxes, and I’m in the car park of our apartment, just like push, actually I started pushing them across, like so I was pushing across the car back to the elevator to my apartment. And then I was like, Oh, fuck it. I’ll carry them right. So I carried them individually. Like because it was easier to carry one at a time than push like fucking 10 kilos of shit. And then the cleaner was in the elevator. He was I think he was doing the rubbish bins like emptying the bins on each floor. And like I did not expect them to wait for me at all. And I’m just like leaving the boxes outside the elevator and like he was picking up the boxes and putting them in the elevator for me as I was like going back and getting the other ones and running across the carpark and then like we took them out on my level and I was about to just, and then he was like, he insisted on literally helping me like carry them into my apartment. He just dropped them in the door.

Geoff 39:30
Aw so nice.

Georgie 39:32
Yeah, it was it was super nice.

Geoff 39:37
Another another person that’s I’ve seen very frequently is a hairdresser. Yeah. So when I was living in Chatswood, I went to I went to the same hairdresser. I found a regular hairdresser and the hairdresser – I think I went with once a month, one of the months the hairdresser said oh I have to go back to Korea cuz their visas up, it’s too expensive to live here. Well, that sucks like who’s gonna cut my hair? But it just so happened that his last day was my hair cut day the next month.

Georgie 40:22
Wow okay.

Geoff 40:23
And he was, so I was having after I finished my haircut he he politely asked me because Can I get a selfie with you? I’ve been doing with all of my my regular customers.

Georgie 40:35

Geoff 40:36
Like fine.

Georgie 40:38
Awwww that’s so sweet.

Geoff 40:41
Yeah, it’s really cute. It’s really cute. I have said, I’ve said probably not even more than three or four sentences to this person in like the, like the year and a half or whatever I stayed in Chatswood but yeah, that was really cute. It was really cute that he was like taking photos with his regulars. But, man, I really want a haircut I’m fucking playing with it.

Georgie 41:07
Yeah you are.

Geoff 41:07
It’s too long.

Georgie 41:09
I kind of want one too. So you know how, like, you know, another thing that I think about is what if one of those people you see regularly has to go, but you don’t find out about it. So in your case. So the hairdresser the hairdresser told you that they were they had to go and leave. I have two stories that are probably a little bit sad, but one of them is way worse than the other. And actually didn’t happen to me but I’ll do the one that happened to me first so. I used to get my eyebrows waxed by this woman at the Myer department store in the city.

Geoff 41:45
Oh hold up.

Georgie 41:46

Geoff 41:47
Before we go on. Have you had it threaded?

Georgie 41:51
Yeah, I’ve had that too. So I’ve had the had the experience.

Geoff 41:55
Do you prefer wax or threaded?

Georgie 41:57
I feel like I prefer waxed but recently – recently as in like this, this will make sense after I tell my story but recently I started getting them threaded instead and the woman who did it for me last, or last few times, she said because I have a lot of tiny baby hairs around my eyebrows the threading was better. But the very first time I had them threaded I didn’t feel like it was that effective. But yeah, so I used to see this woman at the Myer department store in the city and she was so good she was really friendly. She did a really good job like she’d always like check and ask, like you know is that like are you happy with that and she was, there there was no pressure to like get them tinted, I was getting tinted if I wanted to. Then lockdown happened, everything was closed and that was the first lockdown last year and I was like oh no I still want to I want to see her as soon as like I can again like when everything opens up again and then so the lockdown ended, and then I saw her again and she was like oh my god just like oh can I give you a hug and we’re just like both wearing masks and stuff and and she was like wow, your eyebrows are so good. She was really nice she said your eyebrows don’t really look like they’ve grown like meinberg really slowly but yeah and then after that I was hoping to book another appointment with her and then she basically just went MIA. And she, and I remember she said if you can’t find me here so that you can find me...

Geoff 43:30
She ghosted you.

Georgie 43:30 Sephora on Broadway and then I, I remember looking it up online when I was trying to make a booking and I think she was there, like her name was there for a bit and then it just disappeared and then it was like man she must be gone. And it’s it’s weird right because she did text me from I believe it’s her personal phone number she did text me from a phone number once to double check something like an appointment or something like a while back I’m just like I don’t want to text because that’s weird. I don’t want to be like hey, and then I don’t like I don’t use...

Geoff 44:04
Where are you at biatch!

Georgie 44:06
Well nah like that’s why I ended up going...

Geoff 44:08
My eyebrows need tweaking.

Georgie 44:09
...somewhere else because it’d just been so long that like her name didn’t come up again and I was like man, she must be gone and I didn’t want to I didn’t want to text because it’s kind of it’s a little bit weird. I don’t use WhatsApp very much at all like I think I got it. I’d recently – not recently – I downloaded it again like a year ago to talk to certain people who’ve wanted to use WhatsApp. And because I still have this eyebrow lady’s phone number she did come up in the WhatsApp thing and like her status said something like, “yes I am ghosting you all. I am safe by the way”. So I’m like ah maybe she’s just taking a break or whatever but always a weird thing like even if you even even if I didn’t know that. I was like, aw. Well I got to tell you the other story that the sad. I’m gonna tell you the other sad one. Alright, this is super sad. My, my mum was seeing

Geoff 45:02
Sad story.

Georgie 45:03
I think it was a physiotherapist. And I don’t know how often she saw him but like it was like regularly enough. And then she got a call one day saying, hey, we’re gonna need to postpone your appointment because your doctor’s not available. And my mum was like, oh. Because she really liked this guy and he was like he was, it was really working for her or whatever. And my mum said, oh, when.. oh is well that’s a shame. She said when is, when is he next available? Like, can like I think the person must have said, you need to book with someone else. Mum was like, oh, I would like to see him. So when is he next available? And then the receptionist on the phone was like, well see, that’s not really possible because he passed away on the weekend. And my mum was like, oh shit... and like, I think yeah, it was like my mum was really, she was upset about it. I am like, I totally get that. I mean, death is like another topic but, it just really took her by surprise, as you can imagine. And my mum looked it up on, looked his name up and he was actually, actually in a news article. Because he’d been on he’d been on a holiday and I think was just an accident that he had some kind of like a heart attack or something and died while he was staying at a resort. It was, like he was going for a swim or something, was with his girlfriend was partner and yeah, they said it was like a condition that they didn’t really know about and it was just like whoa.

Geoff 46:43
Whoa, like this seems a lot of detail.

Georgie 46:47
Yeah, it must have been I must have been whatever big news story for some reason. I mean.

Geoff 46:57
Yeah, it’s pretty sad. You know, what else is sad.

Georgie 47:01
Yeah it’s time.

Geoff 47:02
The ending of this podcast. If, if anything you take away from this podcast, it’s that you know what, we we as people, I guess really enjoy good company.

Georgie 47:14
Connecting with people.

Geoff 47:15
And you get that you get that customer service connection. Whatever it is somewhere between a friend, not friend, acquaintance, but a little bit more than acquaintance because you see them more often than acquaintance.

Georgie 47:31
If you have a name for it.

Geoff 47:34
But yeah, tweet...

Georgie 47:35
If you have a name for it, let us, let us know.

Geoff 47:38
Customer Service. Yeah, give us... if you have a name for it. You enjoy any customer service that you get regularly? Let us know. Let us know on @toastroastpod Instagram and Twitter mostly Twitter.

Georgie 47:53
You can find us on all the big ones, Apple podcasts, Spotify, more other things. And the big friend you have living across the road from you who you’ve probably never talked to.

Geoff 48:06
Yeah, let us know if you’re that neighbour person, the neighbor person everyone hates to love and loves to hate. And new episodes every Monday so see you next Monday

Georgie 48:21
See you next Monday.

Geoff 48:22